Sunday 14 May, 2017

Two brothers.

Two brothers lived - "do not pour water",
Much business and considerable income.
Bought the land, built houses
On the left bank of the river and right.

We were friends, we got along, everyone was jealous,
An example of this could be for many.
But here is just the place of Satan,
Who took them and quarreled them.


Sunday 07 May, 2017

A Tale of Forgiveness.

 "I will not forgive," she said. - I will remember.

"Sorry," the Angel asked her. "Forgive me, it will be easier for you."

"No way," she pursed her lips stubbornly. "This can not be forgiven." Never.

"Are you going to take revenge?" He asked worriedly.

"No, I will not take revenge." I will be higher than this.

- Everyone has to pay for their decisions. Sooner or later, but to all ... "the Angel said quietly. - It's unavoidable.

- Yes I know.

"Then forgive me!" Take off the cargo. You're now far from your abusers.

- No. I can not. And I do not want to. There is no forgiveness for them.

"All right, it's yours," Angel sighed. "Where do you intend to keep your grievances?"

"Here and here," She touched her head and heart.
And resentment settled where she said - in the head and heart.


Thursday 04 May, 2017

Motivation of Harvard students.

Leela Academy is an educational institution, and incoming and studying here, it is necessary to understand that learning is a difficult process. And since all of our adult learners and training at the Lila Academy do not promise the issuance of any diplomas and certificates, but only promises to acquire Personal power, which everyone can only show in fact, in training, self-motivation is very important.
I wonder how they motivate Harvard students to study. Read below a reminder, perhaps some of these points will come in handy for you, in order to raise the level of your inner self-motivation to study at the Academy of Leela. 1. If you now fall asleep, then, of course, you will dream of your dream, but if you now learn, then make your dream come true ...


Sunday 30 April, 2017

Hedgehog or a story about vain vanity.

Dad was forty years old, Slavik - ten, hedgehog - and even less.
Slavik dragged the hedgehog in his hat, ran to the couch on which Papa was lying with an open newspaper, and, out of breath with happiness, shouted:
- Dad, look!
Dad postponed the newspaper and examined the hedgehog. The hedgehog was snub nose and cute. In addition, the Pope encouraged the son's love for animals. In addition, Dad himself loved animals.
- A good hedgehog! Said the pope. - Lovely! Where did you get it?
"He gave me a boy in the yard," said Slavik.
- Has presented, means? - said the pope.
"No, we exchanged," said Slavik. - He gave me a hedgehog, and I to him a ticket.
"What ticket?"


Monday 29 June, 2015

Method setup at the July retreat.

At the July retreat in the arsenal of tools working group will be introduced yet another instrument- alignment. Placement - is one method that can clearly show proof of identification with what you are not, and help to make the first steps for the release of these identifications, and even eliminate these false identification. When false identification removed, the true self, then who you are comes spontaneously and without effort. Placement - is focused on an efficient solution method to simply and clearly show the problem. It quickly and accurately identify the causes that are tied to a particular system of human relations, limiting the freedom of action, making it difficult for private development, preventing him to build his own life. With the arrangement, you can make a diagnosis of what is happening and to find a solution to your situation for a positive change in your life.
