"Taking revenge a man of his laziness. Laziness burns in man's initiative. A man devoid of initiative is not much above the animal. The longer the period of idleness, the more bitter the collapse of energy in a person. A number of years spent in idleness, closes all opportunities for a person to enter one of the trails of light. For it to enter one of them can be the one in whom
flexible alive the will to work."
(Antarova K.)
First of all, we need to understand:
What is the natural self-regulation?
You can imagine the human body as a system, represented by three aspects: Spirit, Soul and Body. When I appeal to you, I, first of all, I address not only to your body but also your soul and spirit. The problem of waking and sleeping characters is that they associate themselves only with the body.
Your new way of vigilant attention to every meeting gives you the ability to rise above the level of harmony teachers. Not every student can move in height the ways in which the teacher's actions. There goes the only one who managed to get to the self-control as the active force that helps counter freed from his tinkering passion.
(Antarova K.)
Hunters and warriors chasing domestic energy source that is within us and that is always constant and unchangeable, and is freely available at any time and in any place, as this source is within us.
You can always refer to the source and get energy from it.