Tuesday 08 September, 2015

News from Game 2's travel. Issue 5.

Today, the players left the island and returned to Seoul. Island gave the players a lot of different drawings Force and the latter was associated with the opening of the heart chakra, the chakra of love.

Early September is considered the best time of year to visit the island. It is not so hot, but still not cold.


Sunday 06 September, 2015

Forum.10 days videoretrit with Rama.

This forum is intended for players of the Academy of Lila, play practical jokes forces at the event Video rerit Rama.


Sunday 06 September, 2015

News from Game 2's travel. Issue 4.

Right now, as you read these lines, the players are on the 10 km route on a path of health.

In Russia, we are aware of such methods of improvement, thanks to the genius doctor Botkin. It was he who suffered the experience of European resorts in Switzerland and studied climatic beneficial health effects of natural factors, paved trail Botkin famous Yalta, regular walks on which gave and give amazing healing results.

  On Jeju Island grow endemic plants that are found nowhere else ...


Saturday 05 September, 2015

Video Forum.10 day retreat with Rama. GAME 2.

This forum is intended for players of the Academy of Lila, play practical jokes forces at the "Video retreat with Rama."


Saturday 05 September, 2015

Video Forum.10 day retreat with Rama. GAME 3.

This forum is intended for players of the Academy of Lila, play practical jokes forces at the "Video rerit with Rama."


Saturday 05 September, 2015

Video Forum.10 day retreat with Rama. GAME 4.

This forum is intended for players of the Academy of Lila, play practical jokes forces at the "Video retreat with Rama."


Saturday 05 September, 2015

Video Forum.10 day retreat with Rama. GAME 5.

This forum is intended for players of the Academy of Lila, play practical jokes forces at the "Video retreat with Rama."


Saturday 05 September, 2015

Video Forum.10 day retreat with Rama. GAME 6.

This forum is intended for players of the Academy of Lila, play practical jokes forces at the "Video retreat with Rama."


Saturday 05 September, 2015

Video Forum.10 day retreat with Rama. GAME 7.

This forum is intended for players of the Academy of Lila, play practical jokes forces at the "Video retreat with Rama."


Saturday 05 September, 2015

Video Forum.10 day retreat with Rama. GAME 8.

This forum is intended for players of the Academy of Lila, play practical jokes forces at the "Video retreat with Rama."
