Friday 27 February, 2015

Diary of the Remote Third Winter Games. Issue 10.

Diaries Distance Games. Issue 10. People dream of flour and torture; bullying, violence and even murder that happen to them. You -development and intelligent soul in life, in a dream can do things that it is difficult even to speak.


Thursday 26 February, 2015

Instructions on how to register on the site, how to log on to the site

How to register on the site


Tuesday 17 February, 2015

Diary of the Remote Third Winter Games. Issue 9.

Diaries Distance Games. Issue 9. Individual dream dissolves and feels Source: "Ah! All these difficulties are simply not real! I am infinite, everywhere you look! "


Wednesday 11 February, 2015

Diary of the Remote Third Winter Games. Issue 8.

Diaries Distance Games. Issue 8. You should never give up until you're in the game, and Something Wicked, that's hard for you - no matter how spikes and boulders littered the path may have been the awakening process ... The process of awakening there is a sudden and dramatic, but events leading up to it gradually. Sometimes it happens through the spiritual path and committed meditation practice, but often occurs after awakening


Tuesday 03 February, 2015

Diary of the Remote Third Winter Games. Issue 6.

Diaries Distance Games. Issue 6. In the course of the game - have to reveal your blind spots ... Maybe there will be also some aggravation in your physical condition and psychological ... Rejoice ... the process goes :) The changes must be accompanied by some transformations and exacerbations.


Tuesday 03 February, 2015

Diary of the Remote Third Winter Games. Issue 7.

Diaries Distance Games. Issue 7. Spiritual practice - this is not one of the many types of human activity; it is the basis of all these activities, their source and the criterion for their evaluation. This appeal to the Beyond Truth resides, inhale, comprehended and practiced for twenty-four hours a day.


Saturday 24 January, 2015

Diary of the Remote Third Winter Games. Issue 5.

Diaries Distance Games. Release 5.Vidimye energy of the universe appear gratuitously. The visible universe is a play of the Absolute, it is unmotivated, spontaneous play demonstration. As the Enlightenment and Nirvana and samsara-clouding of the nature of the Absolute Mind. They are a manifestation of its incomprehensibility and the shape of his game. Leela - that exceeds the purity of Nirvana and limitations of samsara, it is pure consciousness is the Source of all duality.


Sunday 18 January, 2015

Diary of the Remote Third Winter Games. Issue 4.

Diaries Distance Games. Issue 4. Absolute Mind in its unmanifested state deploys its energy, ie, manifest. This manifestation of the gratuitous, spontaneous, unconditioned ("crazy" from the standpoint of human rationality). But that it is the basis of any rational manifestation of the essence of her heart. Such radiation has a tendency to self-expression of the Absolute. The first radiation full of the fullness of omniscience and omnipotence of the Absolute.
