Wednesday 22 August, 2018

Discipleship. Part 3.

Boring "seekers" - those always looking back and looking at this justification or confirmation of those fantasies that they dreamed of in his youth.

What is discipleship? Only the path of liberation.

Can we consider discipleship life, if there is no foundation for peace?

This apprenticeship can not be. No matter how many, whatever paths or looking for a man teacher, he was not able to find out if his whole world is full of frivolity and if it is naive to expect that inside him something in itself to change, will be revealed, will burst like festering abscess, or Conversely, double flowers bloom.

The first of the commandments of your student's behavior should be to ease the day as a complex conglomerate of spiritual union with the living the life of each oncoming land.


Sunday 19 August, 2018

Discipleship. Part 2.

If a student came in contact with a teacher, he entered into communion with all. Before the eyes of Those Who brightened, can not be divisive pelёn. Heed all purity of heart and realize how everything in the universe is connected as everywhere there is a mutual responsibility.

To you prepare yourself from the high, the spiritual development of the creature, which can become an apprentice, you have to understand, accept and bless all of their external circumstances.


Friday 17 August, 2018

Discipleship. Part 1.

Spirit Master pushes the student to recognize, to the ability to freely observe their own thoughts. Day by day more and gets stronger loyalty to the student, if he sees in each case is not himself, but the love that goes through it.

Not "I" becomes his life, but through me. It is released every day by an increasing number of preconceived ideas that are rooted in his "I". And fearlessness, the former before gusts mind and including among its virtues, it is the atmosphere of the day, its simple force.

Do not have a prejudice of separation from the Master just because you shared with him the distance. Distance to exist as long as in the heart of a land lives prejudice life. Once knowledge broadens the mind - disappears and the shadow distance, like the shadow of loneliness. Before clarifies the eye pupil are not piles of garbage, preventing him from seeing Harmony. But harmony does not depend on the place nor on the temples in which they pray, and she is not a temple, which admired. Harmony comprehend in so far as wearing it in himself.

Through the internal self-discipline a man begins to be carried out in its current day, not only their spiritual creativity. He is working on a new understanding of what a "character" in a new way and puts his whole outer life.


Thursday 09 August, 2018


Thursday 05 April, 2018

Door to the Heaven.

At the time of this article, the players completed the route through the capital of Lesser Tibet, Lech, crossing it along the motorway, which is considered not only one of the most beautiful high-mountain roads in the world, but also the most difficult.
The main task of the players in this game journey was to meet with the spiritual inhabitants of the Himalayas.
Directly it sounded like this:
A trip to the region of northern India, called Little Tibet, is an exit to the territory that on our planet is the abode of higher beings who have achieved certain tasks of disidentification with the false and residing in the highest emanations.
Our task is to meet such creatures and get to know them and with this level of play.


Saturday 10 March, 2018


Sunday 18 February, 2018

Three happy days. Retreat in Tire 2018 (5th edition).

Even 6 km before the Ashram, we began to see signs pointing to the Ashram and only after arriving at the territory of the residence of Shri Bhagavat, we saw that we were in a beautiful valley surrounded on all sides by mountains. Leaving the car, we saw Sri Bhagavat coming towards us ...

Sri Bhagavat is the master of the last stage, assuming complete surrender of the mind, which in the spiritual world is called enlightenment.

After a long preparation, the moment comes when the student is ready to receive knowledge of the last stage of training.

It is this teacher that is Sri Bhagavat, who takes the "mature" disciple and directs him exactly into the right Knowledge. Because it is knowledge that provides understanding and is what is called enlightenment and leads to liberation.


Monday 03 April, 2017

The game is always a challenge FORCE or impossible possible!

Education Academy in Leela is the main goal, to accompany the students to the status of "Liberation".

This status is checked very simply:

     Emotions, thoughts, feelings (which compose any state) can not affect the player. It is firmly established in the Knowledge (Dare), which allows it to be immune to the entire time.


Thursday 02 March, 2017

"Autobiography of Yoga" Paramahansa Sri Yogananda

THIS BOOK IS ADDED in the materials of the personal cabinet, in the section read (under the tag: BIOGRAPHIES OF GREAT YOGES).

"Autobiography of a yogi" refers to those rare books that, in addition to carrying certain knowledge, are also capable of revealing the mind and heart of the reader. Before you a vivid example of spiritual literature. And he was not written by a journalist or a foreign writer, but by an original Indian, a real yogi. This work reveals the most important spiritual wealth of this beautiful and ancient country.

This work will be extremely useful to all who embarked on the path of spiritual development.


Tuesday 05 April, 2016

Spiritual teacher and student. Adoption of the spiritual master.

Convinced that it is impossible to comprehend spiritual knowledge by his own efforts, one must come to a perceived need to accept a spiritual master. Guru takes on more responsibility in front of the Supreme Consciousness for the return of the student to his lotus feet. But the success of this will depend on the student, on his desire to volunteer for a spiritual teacher through all difficulties and trials, guided by a firm belief in him and his instructions. We should not think that the guru will drag pupil to Higher Consciousness in the lasso. Therefore, the student must actively hold in following the guru of all of his senses, mind, mind and soul. Return to God - it is not a mechanical process, it is a mutual responsibility to one another, and the guru-disciple.
