A Tale of Forgiveness.
"I will not forgive," she said. - I will remember.
"Sorry," the Angel asked her. "Forgive me, it will be easier for you."
"No way," she pursed her lips stubbornly. "This can not be forgiven." Never.
"Are you going to take revenge?" He asked worriedly.
"No, I will not take revenge." I will be higher than this.
- Everyone has to pay for their decisions. Sooner or later, but to all ... "the Angel said quietly. - It's unavoidable.
- Yes I know.
"Then forgive me!" Take off the cargo. You're now far from your abusers.
- No. I can not. And I do not want to. There is no forgiveness for them.
"All right, it's yours," Angel sighed. "Where do you intend to keep your grievances?"
"Here and here," She touched her head and heart.
And resentment settled where she said - in the head and heart.