Tuesday 19 January, 2016

God works in mysterious ways …

So, winter retreats "Dive into yourself" finished.
During December and January, the players of the Academy of Lila, immersed in the moment now, directing the beam of his attention from the outer to the inner-illusory-true.
I must say that for the people to continue to live in society and opting to move towards self-realization is extremely important to find a path and follow it.
Each has a particular way ...


Wednesday 13 January, 2016

Diary 4.The Remote Winter Games. issue 7game 5

Petty tyrants.
Nearby are always people who drop out of the call and the person to be thanked for this opportunity arising from accumulated enough awareness, allowing to destroy the feeling of self-importance.
Such people are called petty tyrants, but because these small tyrants are rare luck to them can be divided into four categories:

The first category includes real small tyrants - the people who will stop at nothing just to annoy you in any way. They are cruel, capricious, and always remaining smart enough to stay within the law, incredibly cunning and disingenuous. This man did not hesitate to go to rape only to "teach a lesson"; a woman without hesitation literally alive with human skin will break. Quarrels with these people truly are a threat to life, as they are willing to kill another without hesitation!

     The second category includes people who differ little in character from the representatives of the first type, except that they avoid physical violence and instead resorted to various forms of emotional and intellectual violence, which undermines the power of man and break his spirit. This type of tyrants is most common in the workplace; they always manage to evade punishment, instilling in mortal terror of his colleagues.

The third category covers those who are not petty tyrant constantly, but if something excites their fury, ready to do everything that they can to make the life of the offender in a true disaster. They are not as clever in deception of justice, as the representatives of the first and second groups, and therefore typically resort to the law to bring a lot of trouble to the enemy. Angry, these people suddenly descend upon the offender in unpredictable ways, and in those moments when he least expects it. If they start to take revenge, they immediately give birth to a lawsuit, and when it suits their purposes, ready to go to the authorities at the slightest provocation. Set bags of trash in the yard on the day before arrival scavengers and they donesut about this city council. Leave your car in front of his home just five minutes and they immediately called the Driver's License. These people are most often found among the neighbors, as well as among the relatives, the rejected lover or ex-spouses.

The fourth category includes the notorious grumblers. They will always find faults in everything, what others are doing, and will bring their chicanery another to complete insanity. They will not complain about you, but always come with a variety of complaints. It is necessary to take up the washing machine on a Sunday, and they complain that you are preventing them rest. If you mow the lawn mower gasoline, they expressed dissatisfaction with the noise and unhealthy exhaust fumes; If the mower is electric, they will certainly be told that we are all responsible for the energy savings!

    When a student fails to find a petty tyrant, Explorer necessarily encourage him and suggested to consider such a person as the greatest treasure, because, studying Track down petty tyrant, a person learns a lot better and faster than in its absence.

This is true for all categories of small tyrants, and in particular, to the first and second categories. In the struggle for survival in the attacks of these people, not only students

quickly get rid of self-importance, but also claiming the huge amounts of power as increase self-confidence and self-esteem.

However, needless to say that the collision with the petty tyrants first and second categories require great care, as even the slightest reason may be sufficient that a representative of the first group had killed a man and a petty tyrant of the second type has destroyed his life.

Teun Marez.

On how the players played in the fifth game, read in this roundup.



Sunday 10 January, 2016

Diary 4.The Remote Winter Games. issue 6

Training is the only real practical experience, so anything that a person does, must remain in the context of the current moment.
A method of recapitulating the history of life.

Now I can hear myself again and again repeat this idea very different words, but the students solemnly nodding his head, write it in their notebooks, but three months later, when I ask them how things are moving recapitulation, flickering on their faces Guilty views speak for themselves.
If the assemblage point is still rigidly fixed, the person is not able to successfully recapitulate the past.
For the simple reason that the assemblage point was stuck on the ground.

Intelligent memory of the past does not bring much benefit, and certainly not the aim of the recapitulation.

However, if you remember, that everything that happens to a person here and now is the result of his past, it is easy to understand what is occurring in the present feelings and sensations are able to send a man into his past.
This is why students always advisable to recap, starting from the current moment and in reverse order.
We always start with the present and going back to the very reverse MIGU birth.
At the beginning of the way students are usually so busy with their attempts to be soldiers - that is striving to convince themselves that they are soldiers - that completely forget that a warrior can only be in the context of everyday life.
Students will inevitably begin to see their own shortcomings, but in an effort to achieve a high opinion of himself, forgetting that the shortcomings are a way to force a man.
Instead, these students are trying to cover up its shortcomings by pretending that they have become an impeccable warrior - at least, are impeccably other, that is, to move quickly on the way to becoming a warrior.
They do not realize that the sense of self-importance arched back, as if the tip of the whip, and is about to hit the pupil directly on the head!
While self-importance is not defeated, recapitulation never leads to anything more than a manifestation of the huge self-pity, which often occurs when the student remembers the difficulties he had to endure in the past.
Original recapitulation may begin to bear fruit only after the student will make a conscious effort to stop and indulgirovat in his belief that he is - the victim, and come to realize that this feeling is caused by the victim's sense of self-importance only.
To face the challenge - not the same thing as becoming a victim. But people too often give in to their fear, but prefer not to admit his own cowardice and hide behind a sense of self-righteousness and bitter complaints that others do not have the right to deal with them so cruelly.
Once a person begins to see his life as it is, any sense of himself as a victim and, consequently, all the manifestations of self-importance are beginning to fade easily and naturally.

Teun Marez

On how the players played the first game 4, read in this roundup:


Saturday 09 January, 2016

Purposeful efforts to win ...

Actions in this winning effort of the past,

or the past can ruin the moment, if it is strong;

but always purposeful human effort can

win even mighty past karma.

Wise men say only self focused and intense effort objectives are achieved, and only following scriptures leads to achieve them.
• Seeker should seek to target energetic and virtuous actions, enchanting by the wise and faithful to the Scriptures.
• Wise said that the highest goal is beginningless and infinite bliss of mind and reach its those who follow the words of the wise and writings.
• Indeed, the fate of going down to us from the gods and to the benefit of both worlds, there's nothing else like our own past efforts.
• What is it exactly, there is no doubt the wise. But those ignorant who think that it is impossible to resist fate, only to come to destruction.
• Only two of the world through their own efforts set in motion, and yesterday's misconduct cleared right action in the present.
• Real - and the result of past and present, and efforts reach their goal is as simple as it is seen fruit on the open palm of your hand. Ignorant, not vidyan obvious wrong in their notions of fate.
• Give up the belief in a nonexistent destiny, created by imagination and in which absolutely no cause and effect, and hope only on their own efforts to clean.
• When you follow the scriptures, and the virtues of local customs, it grows in the heart and brings the wonderful and numerous benefits for the mind and body by firing them into action, and it is called by human effort.
• On reflection, it becomes clear that their own efforts always lead to the goal, and that is what makes a person truly human. Result leads to the highest service of truth, scripture, sages, scholars, and all mankind.
• reflect on the fate and efforts, and constantly making an effort, man reaches the highest, serving the wise men.
• The best cure for the disease of constant births in the world are their own efforts in the world, leading to the highest true peace. Take this medicine on the advice of the wise, and their service, reach peace.
                                                                                   (Yoga Vasishta)

The Oasis Awakening continues Individual retreats "dive inside yourself."
A feature of these retreats is that every participant entering this draw strength, necessarily encounters difficulties, internal resistance and the ability to work and give up.
Such an individual retreat - takes place in an atmosphere of complete transparency in front of him, so it does not allow to hide behind the crowd, does not allow a long time to go to unconscious behavior, because the clock is carried out in full view of the other party and the leader.

About what is happening at these retreats with participants, we can learn from their reports ...


Tuesday 05 January, 2016

Diary 4.The Remote Winter Games. issue 5

Players should be fully aware of the fact, the value of which can not be overstated: the initial act of awakening in a dream is not so much the result of the implementation of practices, or gaining the ability, as an act of survival.
Why would a man waking up, if he likes to sleep?

You want to wake up and get rid of the content of his dream only if the dream is becoming a nightmare.

However, something dreadful to one person does not necessarily have to scare the other.

We are all different, and therefore the concept of a nightmare very individually. For example, one can be a nightmare of poverty, and for someone else - govern the financial empire.

Similarly, a married couple seems to be a terrible idea syne- criminal, while others shudder at the thought of a mentally retarded child.

And yet, in any case, the dream becomes a nightmare because of the person he dreams, the feeling that his mind and, perhaps, life itself is threatened in the truest sense of the word - in fact a dream nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.
Then - and only then! - A person begins to struggle for enlightenment.

Wake up in a dream is not as simple as a sudden return to the sober middle of the night waking.

Awakening during sleep begins after a person takes a crucial decision to change.

The accumulation of authentic sobriety in a dream is a long process of struggle for it to see the contents of sleep the way it really is.

The initial decision to become a truly decisive change, but should be followed by appropriate action, but that any action has happened and bring results, we need time. Simply impossible to plant the seed of today and tomorrow and see this place luxuriant tree.

By tradition, the teacher takes a person a disciple only when he sees that the man is already fighting for Awakening.

When the student reaches this level, it does not need to be convinced that any event is a struggle for life and death.

He already understands it, and now he needs to know what to do.

The only way the student - to move forward, and he begins to learn to hunt down his perception or, in other words, to track your sleep.
(Teun Marez)

On how the players played draws life in the third game, thereby accumulating true sobriety in a dream, a dream to see the content as it is in fact, read the summary of this issue of the diary ...


Thursday 31 December, 2015

Diary 4.The Remote Winter Games. Issue 4 Part 2.

It is foolish to consider himself capable of what can a warrior, if this man is a warrior. Even if someone would be so unfair to myself that a hundred times a day to call himself a warrior, he had no way to fake perfection of the spirit of the warrior, or pretend that he has the power.
Sooner or later, man's actions show that all this - just a silly farce.
If a person intends to claim their strength and become a warrior, not just to enrich their current lifestyle fragments teachings, he will learn how to perfect track itself. To do this, you must first ask yourself the question: "Do I really want to become a warrior? Am I willing to undergo a complete transformation? "
If every cell of the human being cries out that there is no other way, he is really ready to make every effort to put these teachings into practice, regardless of whether

many mishaps befall him along the way. It should be remembered that such failure does not matter, because they teach people more than random luck of the beginner.
Reports of players about the game occurred in the second game the main holiday is celebrated all over the world: New Year celebration. But is there any holidays and weekends in the game of consciousness? This we know from the description of the player to play practical jokes ...


Sunday 27 December, 2015

Diary 4. The Remote Winter Games. Issue 4 Part 1.

We will continue our fourth edition of the diary of remote Winter Games parting with Teun Marez.

THROUGH WAR can be learned only in the case if it becomes a life or death
It is easy to understand that, while people are justifiably pleased with the progress of their life, they can not be a compelling reason to change anything.
Instead, most people prefer to just get acquainted with new ways to make their lives richer.
There is a huge number of people who do not mind find the strength and ability of a warrior, but just as certain additional benefits, enriching their current life.
But we can not achieve a warrior force, without becoming a warrior, but to become a warrior, you must complete the transformation of the individual.
Expose yourself ready to complete transformation, only those who honestly admit to themselves that they have nothing to lose.
However, a person always has something to lose, and because students resist change, but such resistance means that they unconsciously cling to the old way of life.
It is for these reasons that teachers never in a hurry to take in students the first counter, the more that the usual period of apprenticeship is from fifteen to twenty years.
So before you invest in the time and energy of the student, the teacher must make sure - in any case, as far as possible - in fact, that this student has everything necessary for successful learning.


Thursday 24 December, 2015

Diary 4. Ditantsionnyh Winter Games. Issue 3 Part 2.

We continue to publish excerpts from reports of players who have played the first game remote Winter Games.

But first a few words about the way Teun Marez hunter and warrior.

Teun Marez master of this path, the nagual, which has already gone on a long journey - a few years ago, he left this world. Sure, he made the transition!

His parting words, the next generation of direct divine in this game Leela:
Soldiers take the challenges of life with a genuine humility. NO MATTER WHICH MAY BE HIS FATE, it will never become the cause of his discontent - it remains a real challenge, AND PRIVILEGE TO THE FACT THAT accept this challenge.


Wednesday 23 December, 2015

Diary of the Remote 4. Winter Games. Issue 3 Part 1.

This world is a stage on which unfolds
                      Divine Action Games - Lila.

In fact, everything that is written below - this guide is for you players in the game at the Winter Games of distance, take heed!
ANY life situation as neutral.
We make it a positive or negative according to the meaning that is linked to it. BUT NOT make sense to change the contents of the situation itself, THEREFORE UNDERSTANDING necessary only for calming the mind.

Madness for any man could wish for life different from his own. Such wishes BASED ON Mad

REPRESENTATION THAT cowardice or laziness - or a combination of both - is an honorable endeavor.
Consider that at our disposal all the time in the world, it is not only foolish - such faith prevents the delight of life, because where there is no awareness of death, quickly triumphant boredom and dissatisfaction.

The player knows that his death is constantly sneaks up behind him and, therefore, no matter how long or was in its possession, it is the most precious gift.

Realizing that time is running out, the soldier fills this gift to the brim, and enjoying every moment of precious time. This is called a life on the edge.
MAN can surprise only in the case if it does not take into account the unforeseen.
SURPRISE BECAUSE takes away personal power, players are required to UNINTENDED used to read in their decisions. THIS MEANS that he lives on the edge. PLAYER is able to live on the edge, because it exhibits humility and full knowledge.
So Remote game started. Participants played the first game and how to deploy them jokes, read this news release.


Tuesday 15 December, 2015

In the waters of verily I melted like salt ...

In the waters of verily I melted like salt ...

~ Rumi

Sure, I wish you all a heart to reach its goal, reach it, hard enough, if you do not stop half-way.
Only through their personal efforts, Indra has achieved its status and became king of all three worlds.
Only the efforts achieved by the lotus position-born Brahma resplendent consciousness immobile Brahman.
Even Vishnu, under the banner of Garuda, reached its best position among the creatures, their efforts seeking to own the highest goal.
And Shiva, jeweled crescent moon, in company with his playful companion, reached its high position only through their own efforts.

The human ability to make the highest effort under the leadership of the scriptures and sages has the power to bring the desired results, but without such leadership efforts useless.
                                                                                   (Yoga Vasishta)
