In South America, ended in an individual "Wake up retreat".
The program of this retreat as well as a session of "discovery of the mission of the soul" is kept secret.
No one can know exactly how it goes, before hitting the selections retreat.
The ego has to be taken by surprise and is not prepared for this drawing of expectations of how things should happen :)
I must say that this rally can participate only players of the Academy of Lila actually reached the level of the player and the formless trained at the Academy of the skills of the hunter, warrior, missionaries, formless player.
Throughput ticket to participate in this retreat is to participate in a 21 day retreat in Tiruvannamalai, India, which also conducted a careful selection.
"Wake up retreat" requires comprehensive training players talk of unsuccessful experiments, which in theory of course possible in this retreat can not be, because all the players get the opportunity to participate in it developed over the years to the extent necessary.
The retreat takes place in conditions of constant degree of risk factor illusory death.