Saturday 25 July, 2020

Mahavatar Babaji.

In 1922, Babaji was with a group of devotees at the confluence of two rivers: Kali and Gori, north of Pitoragarh, almost on the border with Nepal.

Vowing that he will return for the benefit of all mankind, he plunged into the water of the river and disappeared.

Just a few hours to be seen shining in the water, but it, too, disappeared.

But in his subtle body he often came to his devotees to bless them with his presence or help in trouble.

Those who remember him from the time, with great admiration and love talking about him sixty years later. Many of them have not lost hope that he would ever return.

There are books in Hindi, describing previous incarnation Hayrakan Baba, which lasted roughly from 1800 to 1922. Around 1800, he appeared in the ball of light in front of villagers near Hayrakana and in 1922 in front of some followers, he again turned in a ball of light and disappeared.

Way of the Lord are inscrutable, and no one in power to say when ...


Sunday 05 July, 2020


Tuesday 30 June, 2020

Instructions for those who have forgotten, which came at the birth :)

1. You shall have 7 different bodies and sleeping consciousness - you'll have to constantly awaken, develop and improve them. Perceive calm that will be simultaneously in different dimensions, and the whole world is within you.

2. You will have to go to school called Life on Planet Earth. Every person and every event - Universal Teacher ...


Thursday 25 June, 2020


Monday 22 June, 2020


Sunday 14 June, 2020

The Six Yogas of Naropa.

The Six Yogas of Naropa is a system of practices first unified by Tilopa, but extended under the name of his disciple Naropa.

In the heyday of Tantric Buddhism in India, there were hundreds of Buddhist tantra systems, most of which belonged to the upper class of anuttara yoga tantra. Apparently initially, each tantra was a complete method for achieving awakening, but later the Mahasiddha yogis began to combine methods from different tantras to achieve the greatest effectiveness, which led to the emergence of such systems as the Six Yogas of Naropa, the Six Yogas of Sukhasiddhi and others.

The basis, path and purpose of these yogas is Mahamudra. These six practices are designed so that the practitioner learns to keep the clarity of consciousness always, in whatever state the body and mind are, in particular:

  • wakefulness,
  • dream with dreams,
  • deep dream,
  • meditation,
  • dying and
  •  the period between the death of the body and the conception of the next.


Friday 12 June, 2020

Tibetan Buddhism TODAY.

It is interesting that when Buddhism comes to mind in the mind of a Westerner, an association with Buddha Shakyamuni arises that is literally translated "Awakened Sage from the Shakya Family", who received the name Siddhatha Gotama (Pali) / Siddhartha Gautama (Sanskrit) at birth, which is translated (descendant of Gotama , successful in achieving the goals). Siddhartha Gautama himself reached enlightenment under the Bodhi tree about 2000 years ago. The remaining 45 years of his life, Buddha traveled along the Ganges River valley in central India in the company of his disciples and taught his Teaching to a wide variety of people.

But the main hero of modern Tibetan Buddhism, spread on the territory of Ladak (Little Tibet), is the outstanding yogi, Naropa, who achieved enlightenment and full realization under the guidance of Tilopa's teacher, and then revealed to the world the six principles of yoga Naropa.
It is these 6 principles of Yoga Naropa that constitute today practices of modern Tibetan Buddhism.


Tuesday 09 June, 2020



Tuesday 02 June, 2020

The World of Spiritual Development and the World of Spiritual Ministry.

As you can see, the development of the soul goes through certain stages, which are clear from the name of the steps, and as we see spiritual service at the top of spiritual development for the soul.
Souls that reach this level of maturity are turned only upwards (they do not look down the stairs, and do not get carried away by all the temptations of Life), but serve the Higher.
The people of this world are protected by the highest representatives of the subtle world.

It is important to note that in reality there is no clear transition from one step to another and of course it needs to be understood that these steps are conditional.


Friday 29 May, 2020

Dawns Here Are Quiet ...

In South America, ended in an individual "Wake up retreat".

The program of this retreat as well as a session of "discovery of the mission of the soul" is kept secret.

No one can know exactly how it goes, before hitting the selections retreat.

The ego has to be taken by surprise and is not prepared for this drawing of expectations of how things should happen :)

 I must say that this rally can participate only players of the Academy of Lila actually reached the level of the player and the formless trained at the Academy of the skills of the hunter, warrior, missionaries, formless player.

Throughput ticket to participate in this retreat is to participate in a 21 day retreat in Tiruvannamalai, India, which also conducted a careful selection.

"Wake up retreat" requires comprehensive training players talk of unsuccessful experiments, which in theory of course possible in this retreat can not be, because all the players get the opportunity to participate in it developed over the years to the extent necessary.

The retreat takes place in conditions of constant degree of risk factor illusory death.
