The teacher-pupil man says: - Work hard with me and I'll give you everything. Divine Master said to the disciple - I made you wait for God. Do not linger, come with me to Him. An excellent spiritual teacher one whose eyes - the inviolability itself and the heart - the very forgiveness. Whoever takes you to the students on your terms, can never be a true Master. Not a spiritual teacher, and the Almighty it deserves devotion seeker and accepts it. He is the representative of God here on earth, and therefore each heart as He speaks carefully, as your own. I love your teachers. It's a short path to spiritual progress. Believe in your Master. This is a shorter path to spiritual progress. Listen to your teachers. This is the shortest path to spiritual progress. There is no better way for the student to serve his Guru, than to listen to his advice.
Training of players of Open Hearts group will proceed for about 5 years, such time, it is necessary to find steadily skills and experience in consultation. Training of "Open hearts" is based on the technique borrowed by Rama from training in English. Many teachers, it was noticed that in the conditions of the most approximate to practice (without studying of tiresome grammar), students started speaking and communicating in the learned language without efforts and it is easy (a so-called method of training without efforts of "efortless").
You've probably heard that there are alpha, gamma, beta, delta, theta rhythms of the brain, each of which carries its own functions and opens its possibilities.
So ... Most of our life we live in beta and gamma ranges ...
... while access to unlimited possibilities and hidden reserves is in a different range - in the alpha-rhythm.
These videos are for students of the Academy of Leela. Access to these videos is only possible on the Oasis of Awakening website.
Once again, the old man said: "You continue to try I do not know the whole story, and nobody knows judgment is frozen state of mind Do not judge, or you will never become one with the whole...."
In fact, the journey never ends. One of the ends, but another begins, one door closes, another - opens. You reach the top, but there is another, higher.
Life is a never-ending journey!
In Hindu iconography, Shiva is often depicted with beads Rudraksha on the neck and arms, and the tree itself Saivites compared with the "Wish Tree", which gives knowledge, devotion, mystical forces, and health and promotes the implementation of all earthly desires: to achieve happiness, wealth, peace, comfort and good reputation. Shaivites believe that the man who wears Rudraksha gets to "reward" (or "pulls") the religious knowledge and wisdom, long life and a special blessing of Shiva. Rudraksha is used in traditional Indian medicine: According to Ayurveda, wearing necklaces, beads and bracelet on the body good for the heart and nervous system, reduces stress, anxiety, depression, pain, pressure and improves concentration, protects against "evil eye", the negative impact and obstruction by some planets. Wearing Rudraksha slows aging. Rudraksha beads work on different levels: physical, emotional, planetary, karmic. Rudraksha protects a person, and that belief comes from the ancient times.