Monday 08 January, 2024


Friday 05 January, 2024

The Parable of the perception of what is happening

Once again, the old man said: "You continue to try I do not know the whole story, and nobody knows judgment is frozen state of mind Do not judge, or you will never become one with the whole...."

In fact, the journey never ends. One of the ends, but another begins, one door closes, another - opens. You reach the top, but there is another, higher.

Life is a never-ending journey!


Sunday 31 December, 2023


Wednesday 27 December, 2023


In Hindu iconography, Shiva is often depicted with beads Rudraksha on the neck and arms, and the tree itself Saivites compared with the "Wish Tree", which gives knowledge, devotion, mystical forces, and health and promotes the implementation of all earthly desires: to achieve happiness, wealth, peace, comfort and good reputation. Shaivites believe that the man who wears Rudraksha gets to "reward" (or "pulls") the religious knowledge and wisdom, long life and a special blessing of Shiva. Rudraksha is used in traditional Indian medicine: According to Ayurveda, wearing necklaces, beads and bracelet on the body good for the heart and nervous system, reduces stress, anxiety, depression, pain, pressure and improves concentration, protects against "evil eye", the negative impact and obstruction by some planets. Wearing Rudraksha slows aging. Rudraksha beads work on different levels: physical, emotional, planetary, karmic. Rudraksha protects a person, and that belief comes from the ancient times.


Friday 22 December, 2023


Wednesday 06 December, 2023


Friday 24 November, 2023


Monday 20 November, 2023

The parable of the master and the pupil.

Master smiled and wisely said: - This is your most important lesson in life. Your laziness is quite possible to win wisdom. You do not understand the word "measure". First, I should not have to start watering the first plants that are closer to the well, they could you pour in the end, even if you are completely exhausted. Second: You should not have to type the full buckets of water, when you go to the edge of the garden, it is better to go two or three times, and while not straining to fulfill our plans than overstrain with full buckets reaching to the middle of the way to break out of the forces. Third, as you kept a third of my garden, you can continue learning and to correct his mistake.


Thursday 16 November, 2023

Wheel of Samsara.

During the Game Tour of Tibet, the Players encountered the image of the wheel of Life (or the Samsara wheel) having a description, which we attach in this article.
Samsara is walking in a circle.

The "wheel of life" depicts a picture not only of human life, but of life in general, in all its innumerable variants, possible within the limits of the six worlds-life, infinitely passing from one form to another, from one type of consciousness to another.

  • Samsara is not in itself the external world or life in general, but our interpretation of the world and life.
  • Samsara is life in the form in which we live it in a state of ignorance; this is the subjective world that everyone of us creates for ourselves. In this world there is good and evil, there is joy and suffering, but they are all relative, not absolute; they can be determined only in the relationship between themselves, and they constantly change, turning into their opposites.
  • Samsara seems omnipotent and all-encompassing, but in reality it, like the dream world, is generated by the state of our consciousness and can dissolve without a trace, as the dream disappears upon awakening.

If we awaken from the dream of samsara even for a moment, the world will not disappear, but will appear to us in its true essence - pure, radiant, sacred and indestructible.


Monday 13 November, 2023
