Thursday 16 January, 2020

Article 1. Explanation of concept of Samadhi.

Naturally, it is a subject rather difficult, and only very prepared people and only at the real spiritual school under the direct guide of the real Guru who mastered in perfection these technicians can be engaged in similar practicians.


Sunday 22 September, 2019


Thursday 30 August, 2018

Approval in the Way.

"Even the most sublime state and the most exceptional spiritual accomplishments are irrelevant if we can not be happy the most basic and usual way, if we are not able to touch each other and to the life that was given to us with our heart."

In the case of spiritual life has a value of a simple truth: we need to make sure that our path is connected with our heart.


What distinguishes those who are established in the Path of those who still have not found his path?

How do you think the winners are taken on the Way? Why does one manage to get out of samsara, while others are still wandering in the maze of her?


Monday 25 June, 2018

It's only the beginning! Or all :)

The article is in the status of completed.
Well, in this perceived world, everything moves without stopping and the 10 day retreat "Diving inside of yourself" is behind us.
But before we touch on the processes that took place on the retreat, I would like to tell you that periodically * Rankings of Regrets * are compiled in different countries. People aged 70-80-90 years are asked about what they most regret at the end of life.
And the TOP-4 has remained unchanged for many years *.
1. The first place is the regret that most of life was given to unloved work.
end of life.
And TOP-4 for many years already
2. On the second - that so little time was devoted to loved ones.
3. Further on the list is the regret that they were so barbaric about their body: they did not eat properly, did not feed the body and did not do disease prevention.
4. And closes TOP-bitterness from the fact that they did not have time to see the world.
* And no one, NOBODY, does not regret that he did not have enough apartments, cars, iPhones.
No one regrets that he spent little time in nightclubs or idle chatter. Everyone regrets only one thing: that they did not have the courage to live the way they want.
Well, we turn to the narrative of the past retreat:
It was one of the deepest dives in oneself, during all the retreats held at the Academy of Leela.


Tuesday 12 June, 2018

On the 10th day, you reach the Equator.

When you close your eyes in meditation, you see the infinity of your consciousness, you see that you are in the center of eternity.
Concentrate on this. Take very little time in the morning and in the evening,
to close my eyes and say: "I am Infinity, I am His child. Volna is a bulge on the surface of the ocean;
my consciousness is convex on the surface of the great Cosmic Consciousness. I am not afraid of anything. I am the Spirit.

In the meantime, participants in the 10-day retreat crossed the middle of the distance and entered the middle third of the retreat, when the fourth floor of the practitioner becomes relevant, namely, disidentification with false identifications and self-awareness.


Thursday 07 June, 2018

In anticipation of the unknown. (10 day retreat 06.2018).

If you really want to see,
As the sunlight plays on the leaves,
You should have clean windows.
Ram Zi.

Meanwhile, at the Lila Academy, a 10-day retreat of Samadhi started and the participants went on a trip, with a one-way ticket.
Yesterday, on satsanga with Rama, the players realized what signs were on the eve of the retreat, in order to understand what consciousness is playing now?
Since all the participants are mature, Rama recommended that one of the strongest members of the Academy of Leela gather on the retreat, Rama immediately recommended using the practice of 4 floors to go to a vision of false identifications and to wake up from these false identifications to the reality of Being.

What does it mean to wake up?


Tuesday 29 May, 2018

Coming soon: Traveling to a world without borders. 10-day retreatment.

You need to go where you want,
but not where they supposedly "must".
Go to yourself, go and do not be afraid of anything.
At you all will turn out, the truth.
Max Fry. Book of Solitude.

Very soon the most complex technique, the long retreat, conducted by the Academy of Leela, begins.

10 days retreat in 2018, will be held only in June from 6 to 17 number.

What is the complexity of this retreat?

The fact is that participants day after day must spend all their time in the continuous practice of four floors, during which they work from returning to the moment now from the world of illusions of the mind to disagreement with the person, gradually going beyond the boundaries of the body, soul, mind , until suddenly there are no borders.

Truly this process is like a journey.

It would seem, well, that such, sat down and sit yourself ...


Tuesday 08 May, 2018


Thursday 08 February, 2018

In the footsteps of the retreat "Immersion inside yourself" (from 2 to 5 February 2018).

"Even the most exalted states and the most exceptional spiritual accomplishments turn out to be unimportant if we are not able to be happy in the most basic and ordinary way, if we are not able to touch each other and to the life that has been given to us with our heart." The simple truth matters in the matter of spiritual life: we need to make sure that our Path is connected with our heart. (D. Cornfield).

What distinguishes those who have established themselves in the Path from those who have not yet found their Way?

Where do you think the winners are on the Path? Why do some of them manage to get out of samsara, others all wander in its labyrinths?

About how the work of the next group in the mode of total immersion in itself, read in this news bulletin.


Sunday 21 January, 2018

Announcement of long retreats. Academy of Leela.

Very soon in Tiruvannamalai (India), a 21 day retreat starts, which is devoted to total surrender.

It is known that the desire for enlightenment is an obstacle to this, so to set a goal to be enlightened is the most common mistake. At the same time, at a certain point in development, the theme of enlightenment becomes so close and relevant that it is sometimes impossible not to think about it.

On the retreat, Rama will give precise recommendations in the direction of surrender, in which each participant will need to conduct internal work.

All the participants of the retreat in Tiruvannamalai, confirmed their readiness to play at this level, having passed specific qualifying stages.

Now it's up to the little thing to get the body to the right place at the right time.

As already announced to players participating in 10-day retreats, in 2018 in June and September will be 10 retreats, in the program of which will be added a tool "conscious fasting."
