Release 3. Spring-Summer Distance Games 2018.
The Path of Spiritual Awakening
Sent upwards.
Through life experience
To the top of human potential.
On this way we pass
The Gate of Awakening.
Their goal is evolution
The arena is a daily routine,
The deepest secret is action.
And time is right now.
(D. Millman).
know, the world is constantly talking to you, and then, when you are
confused in the labyrinth of the mind, you start to doubt, you get
frightened ... It's just at such moments that you need to calm your mind
a little and come to a state of inner silence ... Silence is the best
healer from anxieties ... When this is realized, the boundary between the inner and outer is erased and everything is seen as One. Notice Signs, paying attention to them. Traffic lights simply indicate the desired color. Lighthouses just shine. He who has eyes, let him hear ...
In this summary, draws played by players in the current game are collected: