Sunday 25 June, 2017

Diary of Spring-Summer Distance Games. Issue 6. Season 2017g.

You can not imagine what a person is capable of,

who finally realized that he has no other choice.

Max Fry

Some players of the Academy Leela, continue to live in a heightened awareness mode, playing distance games. And we continue to acquaint you with the rallies that occur on their way.

We began to play in my office in airplanes made of paper: who gets in the doorway. I was so carried away that I forgot how old I am, my importance, my age and other nonsense. There was a child's joy and spontaneity. How fun and easy it is to live when you are just there, in the moment here and now.


Wednesday 21 June, 2017

Diary of Spring-Summer Distance Games. Issue 5. Season 2017g.

Do not rely too much on anyone in this world,

because even your own shadow leaves you,
when you are in darkness. (Eastern wisdom)

Some players of the Academy Leela, live in a heightened awareness mode, continuing to play distance games. And we continue to acquaint you with the rallies that occur on their way.

Sophia's brother Nikolai, in one of the letters at the end, wrote such lines: "Time runs very fast, years pass, but what can you do when there are laws of nature .." After reading these lines, I realized that the gift of writing poems from me out of line of this kind. When I was a child and could not express my feelings to my mother or father, could not say about my pain and did not know how to cope with it, I used this method of expression - wrote poems. I could write after the event or directly at the time of the event, wrote everything that came, quickly, not caring about rhyme and beauty. I expressed feelings of paper, so they did not accumulate in me and now I am very grateful for this gift, realizing that everything that is given to us is given so that we can cope and play.


Monday 12 June, 2017

Diary of Spring-Summer Distance Games. Issue 4. Season 2017.

Our biggest drawback is,
That we too quickly drop our hands.
The most sure path to success is
All the time try again.
Thomas Edison

In the meantime, some players of the Academy of Leela, continue to play remote games and live in a heightened awareness mode. And we continue to acquaint you with the rallies that are encountered on their way.
Today I spent in the exact opposite of yesterday. I almost did not notice the body as if I did not try, all day long I tried desperately to observe the body and about 5% of the time I was able to watch him. Why did not happen so I do not know. I realized that I did not get carried away and did not fall asleep, but still could not watch my body yesterday. Forgot almost all the wisdom received, but nevertheless continued to observe. This experience was already earlier. Surely my shadow so showed up, something that I'm missing out of sight. This is how it is between sleep and reality.


Tuesday 06 June, 2017

Diary of Spring-Summer Distance Games. Issue 3. Season 2017.

Life breaks the strongest, putting them on their knees,
To prove that they can rise,
Weaklings, she does not touch.
They are already on their knees all their lives

Some players of the Academy Leela, continue to play remote games and live in a heightened awareness mode. And we continue to acquaint you with the rallies that are encountered on their way.

The cause of the problems that have begun is stretching from revolutionary times, where the 20-30s, when the dekulakization of people who lived richly, had their land, farming, hired workers, mothers on the father's and mother's lines collided with, both grandmothers were Siberians. During this period, there was a rejection of life, a sense of injustice, when all was taken away and let in the world. "Life is not fair, so you can not do it!" On the maternal line, parents cursed the authorities for doing so, taking and driving out into the street ...


Sunday 04 June, 2017

Comments on the drawings published in the Diary.

This message refers primarily to players who play in the event: Spring-Summer Remote Game.

In this playing season, Player VENUS, will write comments to the drawings published in the Diary of Spring-Summer Distance Games.

  • In each of his comments, VENERA will write about how she sees the game of Consciousness in this drawing, which the player played,
  • What was the game of the player and
  • As for her game in the past, and in the present, and maybe in the future (although there is only now :)).

In each issue of the diary, all the drawings are numbered and Venus writes a comment to each drawing number ...


Thursday 01 June, 2017

Diary of Spring-Summer Distance Games. Issue 2. Season 2017.

The Great originates from the small.

© Public Sire

At this very time, some players of the Academy of Leela play remote games and we continue to acquaint you with the jokes that are encountered on their way.

... Gradually studying the generic genogram, I found out that on the maternal line, after the dekulakization, the poverty program and unstable relations with men went. On the father's side is a program of alcoholism, an insult to the parents. Information began to open, much to learn and understand yourself. There is a process of compiling a table of genograms and collecting photos of relatives. Unfortunately, the connection is lost, now there is not much open and it's great!


Sunday 28 May, 2017

Diary of Spring-Summer Distance Games. Issue 1. Season 2017g.

In the world there is only one unbeatable investment - you yourself.
He who invests in himself, never burns out

In May, at the Academy of Leela, spring-summer distance games started, in the editions of this diary, we will publish how the players play.

I felt a whole day of great sorrow, a kind of compassion or the sadness of existence. I do not know why it arose, but it was perfect. Last time I noticed how my loneliness began to transform. Previously, it was a method to avoid suffering and fear of society. Now I notice that friendship, relationships, family, all this seems to come up before me not real, I stopped running from it, but at the same time, clinging also ceases, clinging, hope. I notice that I can let go of everything ...


Thursday 01 October, 2015

The ninth edition of the games Diaries Distance spring-summer season.

Break games players to play the final spring - summer season 2015 for the Remote Sensing of the Games. VERDICT: awareness, change, change, acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Expand the range of vision of the game. Awakens awareness, vigilance and flexibility. A notable becomes a game with the notorious dwarf, and each of the students - the players, according to its power reserve (acquired in the course of life draws) as it may, he knows how to can outperform its dark side.

Theme sounded the final games: Changes, changes.

Everything flows and changes. Nothing stays the same forever: every second, every minute, every hour of the universe changes. This fundamental truth is the core of existence. However, the whole dynamics of this incessant activity does not lead to chaos, so incessant changes always remain the same! Understanding this apparent contradiction leads to the knowledge of the true path.

The concepts of form and formlessness, the concept of holistic, intangible and free, and at the same time covering all that our senses perceive the here and now. All this concept of emptiness, the notion that form is emptiness and emptiness is form. To cover his mind, needed a habit of meditation. Students - the players develop the habit to one case of spontaneous meditation course. We watch the game players out of their game situations ...


Friday 11 September, 2015

Eighth edition Diaries Distance games spring-summer season.

In every man there is something from the person, but not every man is a person. Personality is not the one who wants to be a person. Personality is the one who feels the need to be yourself. Who is strained in the name of the target, he can become an influential person - the person in form but not in substance. He can call himself a personality, and his fans can call it personality. Truth is found later. Only when a person begins to learn their delusion is cleansed of its essence. It starts improving personality - development.

And then one understands. Life constantly presents his spiritual, mental and physical lessons for self-discovery.

From all this: 9/10 need to feel and understand, and 1/10 is necessary to survive. From this 1/10: 9/10 be learned through experience, and only 1/10 - through suffering. This is only a small fraction of the whole number. Experience shows that the share of suffering is increasing, because people do not know how to think with love.


Thursday 27 August, 2015

The seventh edition Diaries Distance games spring-summer season.

A sincere desire for real, sincere desire to awakening always comes from the very depths of our being. It comes from the part that wants more truth than welfare.
