Friday 14 April, 2017

Individual retreat "Create health!"

Within the framework of the project "Excitement of Health", the Academy Leela begins to conduct individual retreats "Create Health!".
According to WHO: medicine can save our health only by 10%, another 20% depends on our genetics, and 50% is our way of life and 20% is an ecological environment.

  • So, 50% of our health depends on our way of life.
  • Our whole life is development from birth to old age.

Health, in other words, it is our energy, without which, a person is unlikely to be truly happy and active.
After all, the knowledge and skills that we apply to our way of life, change us, make us more energetic.


Tuesday 11 April, 2017

The middle way.

Last weekend, ended with a full-time retreat with Rama, in which the players studied in detail what makes up the Spectrum of Consciousness and what it means to disagree with what you are not.

Players bravely went to another attack of self-exploration of their own shadow sides.

As you know, each of us has shadow qualities, and not looking, for example, at what we think we are:

  • Honest, but we periodically lie and deceive, and also steal or take someone else's
  • Generous, but we also show greed and greed
  • Strong, but often we are weak and helpless ...

Players for three days carefully examined their shadow sides of the psyche, helping each other to discover those qualities that they do not want to see in themselves and push into the unconscious, demonstrating to the world the opposite qualities acceptable to their Ego.


Tuesday 04 April, 2017

Academy of Leela with a new training program in 2017.

Everything is possible!

In 2017 Rama singled out in the Academy Leela, a new educational project

"Awakening of HEALTH" and begins to conduct SEMINARS for a wide range of people interested in personal, spiritual development, health, enlightenment and liberation. The program of this training project will look something like this ...


Friday 10 February, 2017

Lucky for those who are lucky!

The strength has a curious feature: it does not notice when it accumulates and accumulates it quietly, "Summary of current retreats Leela Academy..


Saturday 14 January, 2017

Today is my best game day !!!

For over a year, the Sangha has worked on the project "Internet Ashram Oasis Awakening" and finally, in March 2017, our veb.razrabotchik promises to deliver the project. In March, for the players, starting with the level * Warrior will be available on the website Ashram meditation "Satya Loka". Great work on the design of the Ashram did a Joke. It is as if the artist, painted the walls of the ashram.


Monday 24 October, 2016

Sat Chit Ananda.

One person can be difficult to pick up a large rock,

but by combining the efforts of a few people do it easily.


Last, the third part, full-time retreats with Rama, in the season 2016 ended with a dynamic group.

At the retreat attended by players with a firm intention to move towards Games Leela towards the full realization of this embodiment.

Players celebrated, danced, cried and grieved, lived pain and happiness, learned the wisdom of life and of course to play!

But the most important instrument of the retreat remains meditation, which teaches players not to be identified with all the manifestations of life and to know that there is someone who really is not affected and is in eternal bliss - Satchidananda.


Tuesday 16 August, 2016

We will not stay here a long time ...

Do not assume that, having achieved once and for all, full of self-control, you can leave it at that at least for a short time. No full self-control does not protect the human body from the possibility of being shocked by certain events, if even for a moment the spirit of man hung up

with someone, alive and powerful, it is in itself.

(Antarova K).

The great Chinese physician Sun Simiao (... Years 581-682 BC), who lived 101 years, perceptively described the progress of the human personality problem in his "recipe for a priceless gold":

"As a young person does not understand Tao.

In middle age, he hears a lot about Tao, but does not apply in practice what hears.

When he gets old, he sees the truth of the Tao, but is too weak to act according to it. "

Players Leela Academy, hear and timely use DAO in practice! About how they do it, read this article.


Monday 11 July, 2016

Starting the game, be ready to finish it to the end ...

Do not start the game, if not going to

finish it to the end ... The Leela.

 The summer retreat based Leela Academy, located in the Maritime region, near Vladivostok, held the second intramural retreat with Rama, "Vipassana or accept the reality."

The participants of the retreat deeper into the knowledge of the experience of seeing reality such as it is and learn to distinguish between reality arising from the mind (the concept) and the reality of Being, which is always there.

During the retreat, with the help of the film, the players boarded the trip, during which time, learned to play realizing a game in which they found themselves as a result of the Awakening. The game entered the consciousness of their lives without warning, but then put before the realization: - "Do not start the game, if you're going to finish it to the end?"

As a general rule if you are a player, heard the message of the game for the first time, then this moment is the time of your start of the game, your game is just beginning and will come into the game and make the course, be ready to play. And out of the game you can only reaching its end.

Ha-ha! But where whether it is the end of the game?


Friday 13 May, 2016

Dive into yourself May 2016.

In the center of the Individual retreats "Samadhi", concluded the first spring retreat "Dive into yourself."
While the formless level players play in South America in terms of reality, when entering the draw between life and death, you must (a) give up and through the death of the ego to be reborn again, that is fully awake from sleep does not reference other players Leela Academy are planned preparation to one day be in the hand of the Force.
No god, teacher, healer, etc. not be able to help you if you do not make their own efforts to izmeneneniyu themselves and out of the false identifications. Only the own-action efforts, will help you get out of this at the same time "beautiful and terrible" traps, called Samsara.

On how the players made the inner workings of this roundup.


Tuesday 15 December, 2015

In the waters of verily I melted like salt ...

In the waters of verily I melted like salt ...

~ Rumi

Sure, I wish you all a heart to reach its goal, reach it, hard enough, if you do not stop half-way.
Only through their personal efforts, Indra has achieved its status and became king of all three worlds.
Only the efforts achieved by the lotus position-born Brahma resplendent consciousness immobile Brahman.
Even Vishnu, under the banner of Garuda, reached its best position among the creatures, their efforts seeking to own the highest goal.
And Shiva, jeweled crescent moon, in company with his playful companion, reached its high position only through their own efforts.

The human ability to make the highest effort under the leadership of the scriptures and sages has the power to bring the desired results, but without such leadership efforts useless.
                                                                                   (Yoga Vasishta)
