Sunday 03 July, 2016

Note: A review how to use the section of the site - Blog.

Dear players and visitors of the site Oasis Awakening, during July Sangha Oasis Awakening, will publish articles on the blog, how to work with our site.

Website Oasis Awakening is constantly being upgraded and some innovations need to know how to use.

In this section of the blog, Customer Support, you will find other articles about how to use our site.

 In site section "Blog" can be accessed from the main menu of the site (or home page). All blog articles posted in the form of announcements in chronological order. To read the article you need to click on the title of the article at the top of the screen. After pressing the article opens completely.

Section Blog grouped all articles on specific topics.


Wednesday 29 June, 2016

From Hunter to the Soldier. Part 8. The denial of life-suicide.

Earth is the arena of labor. But then comes the work of each? What is its value in the current day to the age-old human arena? The exact sliyannosg all this I realized only here. The greatest scheme birth, work and death - for me resulted in three new words: strength, endurance, self-control. And all three of these words vary from the most simple truths. These truths every person creates and builds them from themselves and others the way of joy. These three initial sounds to me now the truth in the words: kindness, love, loyalty. It does not matter what and how people identify these three forces. Whether it is a monk or a lay person, a savage or an enlightened writer; he met in his life of great people and went all his way in a very elementary for the development of society, it is only important that he showed them, and they are one with the people. If he built them a simple day - it reaches a meeting with the Master. He will enter not only into a single understanding of eternal life wisely. He will go down in full knowledge of the heart, that there is no death, no separation. Man, the mind to understand that we should not mourn the departed friend, yet will cry when a friend left. His tears, he will certainly be attracted to each ground. Will beat him pictures of their suffering and create him a thousand obstacles, breaking his first duty in the new world, where he was. And this only the first duty of the new world - the only one, as an eternal memory, which was escorted from the ground in a church ceremony - there are able-bodied person. That is why it is heavy in its communication is idle, does not create the age-old ways to union with the beings in all the worlds. Work the land, as the labor of the sky, individually different. The work of one another may seem idleness. And it does not matter. What is important is that Light that was discovered in a person as a result of his work. Important skills, the habit of thinking in harmony, that is, combined kindness of heart and mental flexibility. They are reconciled to. Love inseparable from the harmonious

the combination of all these qualities in a person, it is the way of living life vnёm. (Antarova K.)

Any process of rejection is incompatible with life, because life is basically kills its negation.


Monday 27 June, 2016

You yourself, the reason for your release.

Each of you knows himself how hard he suffered prior to a meeting with me. Everyone remembers well from which the infernal torments he was torn and covered with me here. But, my friends, my dear children, so ardently sends his gratitude and love me now and send them to me all the time I was there a reason your present achievements or you yourself, your work, found the strength and the ability to free up your heart to liberate its mind of prejudices and the spirit to help her catch fire and burn all the conventions, all illusions, hindering as shackles, to communicate with fire and spirit? Not I, but you, my friends, is the cause of your liberation. You yourself miners, dug up a treasure chest, first among which is the immutable world as a result of your ability to live in Rome, carrying him in his temporary form, and welcoming him as being in each counter.

(Antarova K.)

In an open satsang Okunevo finished frames.

Okunevo Village, is one of the most amazing places on the planet, where it is especially easy to get in touch with yourself.

In this place 19 to 25 June was held open satsang Rama Divine Leela.


Tuesday 21 June, 2016

From Hunter to the Soldier. Part 6 Education.

The nature of physical or spiritual matters each goes through the circles of the labor that man built in centuries. No sudden transitions, what people perceive events earthly lives passing before their eyes. Everything flows naturally through the circles rather than by broken lines. But just knowing opens full light, in which he sees all the links of their own and others' ways. The greatness and the meaning of life and death is not visible bodily eyes is evidence, but in the power of the explosion of love that man can from himself or exuding a absorb. (Antarova K.)

Moment of training is always conditioned by the meeting of several factors:

1. Internal willingness to acquire knowledge.

2. The need for a conductor-teacher who reveals knowledge.

3. Have the strength to realize the willingness to learn and obtain knowledge.

    If you go and want to go on their own, it always means that something you still separates the stage of maturity, which is called the pupil. It's called the rebellious stage, in which the ego is not able to bow and surrender especially in front of his weakness and helplessness.


Friday 17 June, 2016

From Hunter to the Soldier. Part 5: The need for love.

On the court of people you never pay attention.

They are judged by the degree of his mind, and teacher

judges you by the action of your heart,

every culture can only see one whose

heart beats to the rhythm of the universe.

(Antarova K.).

Society-this is a huge source of energy. What kind of energy we consume in society? Energy of Love.

   The primary human need, provided udovoletvoreniya basic human needs for shelter and food, is the need for love.

Man is driven by a need for love and this is the main motive that drives humanity, which at times can push people into crime and a violation of the universal, spiritual and human laws. But this motive is the driving force leading to any form of development.


Saturday 11 June, 2016

From Hunter to the Soldier. Part 3: Source.

Save the integrity of loyalty

Way to the end, in what is now live!

And the great life support you!

Antarova K.

We have already said that the main source of energy is within each person.
But what every man needs to be done?
 - Find access to the source and to establish a permanent relationship with him.
For example, underground water flows and make it available, we need to dig a well.
And for this you need to know where to dig a well and at what depth?
  If you do not see the sun, it does not mean that it is not!
The fact that there is an internal power source -aprioren, ie does not require proof.
Almost all religions and spiritual development trends, learn to find their own source of energy. Why is it needed?


Tuesday 07 June, 2016

From Hunter to the Soldier. Part 2: Personal power.

No one can perform the greatest task which it holds a great life, in one embodiment. A number of them consecutive, raises a man to the height of perfection latent in him strength.

As a rule, strong warrior not have to be rich to own material goods. He can have it all, and it allows him personal power, but warriors usually deliberately chosen to lead a modest lifestyle.


Wednesday 01 June, 2016

From Hunter to the Soldier. Part 1. Equilibrium.

Project "Pablisher" continues to gain momentum. Today PLAYERS Leela Academy, taking part in the service of this project, prepared the materials for the publication of a whole series of books.

One of the series we will publish in the public domain on the blog of our site throughout the summer.

So, get acquainted with the text:


From Hunter to the Soldier. Part 1. Equilibrium. Series: Introduction to the game "Leela".


Wednesday 18 May, 2016

And if it was?

"Only those who have already satisfied their curiosity at the fair sensual pleasures, can begin to search for answers to the pressing questions of the nature of Brahman-transcendent reality"

Wake up retreat, held in South America, is nearing completion, and at this stage the players after the incredible priklyucheniy- tests recovered, both emotionally and physically.

I must say that this rally demanded that every player does not even 98, and 99% return game, and an absolute 100% return of both physical and psycho-emotional.
Players are immersed in a draw of Consciousness, which must necessarily occur death (but not the body, but the Ego). And only if the player is willing to give up, he will be able to reach the point of ego death, and at that very same moment, there will be a new birth of his birth as an immortal being. This experience takes place for each participant on the verge of it, both physical and mental capabilities. Only in this way can be a complete surrender and enlightenment.

Wake up retreat conducted by the Academy of Lila -there specific test hoax: who can show just how real delivery of the student and how he has knowledge. At the same time, this is the main draw of the exam, the final training at the Academy of Leela and remitting of players to the next level of the game: Service.
So, of all members of the current Academy players Leela in 2016godu retreat on selected two candidates: Silence and The Swan.


Friday 13 May, 2016

Dive into yourself May 2016.

In the center of the Individual retreats "Samadhi", concluded the first spring retreat "Dive into yourself."
While the formless level players play in South America in terms of reality, when entering the draw between life and death, you must (a) give up and through the death of the ego to be reborn again, that is fully awake from sleep does not reference other players Leela Academy are planned preparation to one day be in the hand of the Force.
No god, teacher, healer, etc. not be able to help you if you do not make their own efforts to izmeneneniyu themselves and out of the false identifications. Only the own-action efforts, will help you get out of this at the same time "beautiful and terrible" traps, called Samsara.

On how the players made the inner workings of this roundup.
